Ryan Ribeiro
Ryan Ribeiro
Created by Ryan Ribeiro on 2/26/2024 in #get-support
hello, I have an application in which I
if you have any other ideas on how to get this result or maybe what I'm trying doesn't make sense
5 replies
Created by Ryan Ribeiro on 2/26/2024 in #get-support
hello, I have an application in which I
I thought about using langfuseBaseCallback to expand my own callback class or actually not using chain structures and making function calls explicit
5 replies
Created by Ryan Ribeiro on 2/26/2024 in #get-support
hello, I have an application in which I
sorry for confusion, i will try to be more clear, I would basically like to not simply pass a callback to the invoke function for example to capture the traces, but rather create my own captures with the spans involving the desired functions. So that tracing is not limited to the framework but can be made explicit in the processes. for example, you have a chain prompt | model | output parser then you call getChain().invoke(input=....,callback=callback) I would like to do it this way: span() prompt = ..... span().end span() model = .... span().end span() (here would be a generation too) model(prompt,input).completion() span().end
5 replies