Paul4d ago

Paul - Hi. I am trying to integrate langflow an...

Hi. I am trying to integrate langflow and langfuse. I have a flow, with a llm(ChatInput- Prompt- LLM- ChatOutput), and I would like to see in the preview section the input that I put in the ChatInput component as input, and as output the text that is received by the ChatOutput component. My case: I can see the trace in langfuse, but if I click on it, in the preview section, the input and the output fields are null. On the other hand, the info of the trace, alongside the info of each component(ex: ChatInput with the input field, and other fields). I can see each component and their data seems correct. Did I miss something during the setup? Langflow: lastest version Langfuse: 2.78
3 Replies
Marc4d ago
can you share an example trace url?
Paul3d ago
Unfortunately, I can not share a trace by making it public. If it helps, I can try and get it through the python SDK and put it here. (by fetching the trace and then calling the Would that help?
Marc3d ago
Can you share it privately?