alexrosen5d ago

alexrosen - This seems silly, but it kind of bu...

This seems silly, but it kind of bugs me to be on the "Hobby" plan. It doesn't bug me in a way that makes me want to upgrade. It's more of a "They're telling me I'm not serious" way. The nature of my work may keep me on the free plan forever but having "Hobby" persistently show in the UI next to my org name is off putting. If/when I upgrade it will not be because I went from being a hobbyist to a pro. It will be because the solution has proven its value and my project requires services that are not available on the free plan. My suggestion is that when you're bored with the difficult work you need to do to get to 3.0, take a minute and replace "Hobby" with "Starter" or "Free" (e.g., AWS "Free Tier", Posthog "Totally free" plan). It's a low priority and not a big deal, but I thought you'd want to know, and I want you to be as successful as possible.
1 Reply
Marc4d ago
thanks a lot for sharing! we copied the free tier plan name from Vercel. Agree that the naming is not perfect as under the hood it is the same product (just with a free plan limit) and can totally be used for serious (low-scale) work. will discuss with the team to understand the effort of potentially changing this