znigeln2mo ago

znigeln - Hi! I installed a test version of lan...

Hi! I installed a test version of langfuse in our environment, which was super simple and everyone loved it. I am now looking into making a more productionized deployment, but since V3 seems to be right around the corner I was thinking of waiting until then to avoid migration from V2. Is there any pre-release V3 version that is available for testing now or do we need to wait for the full release to get our hands on it?
2 Replies
Clemo2mo ago
You'll need to wait a little longer. We may do pre-release testing (but in many ways our Managed Cloud Version is that). Our recommendation would be to roll out V2. There will be a simple migration script and very good docs to upgrade. There's a few thousand deployments like yours that will navigate this. So we take it v. seriously. V3 timing - it's getting close but hard to make public promises, max is working 24/7 on it.
znigeln2mo ago
I see, thanks a lot!