bjjdjango4mo ago

Is it possible to enable the "beta"

Is it possible to enable the "beta" features in the self-hosted version?
4 Replies
bjjdjango4mo ago
Examples of these would be the Evaluation and Playground features.
Clemo4mo ago
Hi there. These are only available on Cloud for now. We include which features are available where in their documentation pages. We will bring these features to self hosted with Langfuse 3.0 --> However, we expect to release the eval and playground feature you mention above as our first commercially licensed features. I.e. you would have to purchase a license key to use them or use them on our Cloud offering (which includes a generous free tier).
Upcoming architecture changes for Langfuse 3.0 · langfuse · Discuss...
Hi all, Langfuse is growing a lot, both in feature scope as well as in usage on single instances. Thus we plan for a couple of changes that will be released in Langfuse v3. We are currently require...
bjjdjango4mo ago
@Clemo So these won't be available for self-hosted open-source deployments forever, or when Langfuse 3.0 comes out, they will be available for self-hosting? Sorry, the wording wasn't clear to me, so I thought I'd ask for clarification. Thanks.
Clemo4mo ago
Hey, so these won't be MIT licensed but will have to be commercially licensed from us. They will still be source available in the repo but they are part of the 'peripheral' feature set we will monetize Langfuse on long-term. So two options: start using for free on cloud or buying a license key from us for self-hosted for these features specifically. We'll add more documentation and information on this as we release 3.0