AJ Ram
AJ Ram5mo ago

Langfuse craps out when there is an

Langfuse craps out when there is an error with groq.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {'error': {'message': 'Rate limit reached for model llama3-70b-8192 in organization org_BLAH on tokens per minute (TPM): Limit 7000, Used 1607, Requested ~47333. Please try again in 5m59.484999999s. Visit https://console.groq.com/docs/rate-limits for more information.', 'type': 'tokens', 'code': 'rate_limit_exceeded'}} Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None) Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None) Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None)
2 Replies
AJ Ram
AJ Ram5mo ago
Another example groq.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': 'messages.1.content: user message cannot be an null or empty', 'type': 'invalid_request_error'}} Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None) Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None) Giving up execute_task_with_backoff(...) after 3 tries (langfuse.request.APIError: Invalid JSON (400): None)
Marc5mo ago
thanks for reporting this. please report bugs via GitHub issues, this makes it easier to group them and follow up once it is fixed