Matt5mo ago

FYI, I am getting wonderful tracing for

FYI, I am getting wonderful tracing for the whole program by using this code... but I need to break out each input into its own trace:
def parent_function():
langfuse_callback_handler = langfuse_context.get_current_llama_index_handler()
Settings.callback_manager = CallbackManager([langfuse_callback_handler])
def parent_function():
langfuse_callback_handler = langfuse_context.get_current_llama_index_handler()
Settings.callback_manager = CallbackManager([langfuse_callback_handler])
7 Replies
Matt5mo ago
Oh also, I have found that creating a new instance of the callbackhandler makes it difficult/impossible to get the trace id in order to add new spans to the trace. Using get_current_llama_index_handler works better... do you know a workaround for that?
Marc5mo ago
dont do this langfuse = Langfuse() root_trace = langfuse.trace(name='rag-eval', user_id='rag-evaluator') langfuse_callback_handler.set_root(root_trace) this is mixing up the lowlevel sdk and the decorator thereby you'll get lots of duplicates i guess
from langfuse.decorators import langfuse_context, observe

def parent_function(input):
for i in input:

def llama_index_function(question):
#new trace should begin now

###the next five lines are generating traces all over the place
langfuse_callback_handler = LlamaIndexCallbackHandler()
Settings.callback_manager = CallbackManager([langfuse_callback_handler])
langfuse = Langfuse()
root_trace = langfuse.trace(name='rag-eval', user_id='rag-evaluator')
validate(question) # span is created inside this function
response = send_question_to_llama_index(question) #normal llama index generations created here
validate(response) # span is created inside this function

return response

def validate(question):
trace = langfuse.trace(id=langfuse_context.get_current_trace_id())
span = trace.span(name="validation span", input=question)
# validate happens

from langfuse.decorators import langfuse_context, observe

def parent_function(input):
for i in input:

def llama_index_function(question):
#new trace should begin now

###the next five lines are generating traces all over the place
langfuse_callback_handler = LlamaIndexCallbackHandler()
Settings.callback_manager = CallbackManager([langfuse_callback_handler])
langfuse = Langfuse()
root_trace = langfuse.trace(name='rag-eval', user_id='rag-evaluator')
validate(question) # span is created inside this function
response = send_question_to_llama_index(question) #normal llama index generations created here
validate(response) # span is created inside this function

return response

def validate(question):
trace = langfuse.trace(id=langfuse_context.get_current_trace_id())
span = trace.span(name="validation span", input=question)
# validate happens

this looks good, if you remove the low-level related lines you should be good
Matt5mo ago
removing those lines improves things. I'm still not able to add a span to the trace when I instantiate a new LlamaIndexCallbackHandler. I was able to do this previously when using the get_current_llama_index_handler function and then running Langfuse().get_current_trace_id() but that returns None now and so a new trace is recorded when I manually create spans I suspect that's flushing related?
Marc5mo ago
mhh, would love to have a look at this together chat 5 min about this tomorrow? going to sleep now (currently in CET)
Matt5mo ago
Thanks for your time, Marc. I scheduled a 5 min call tomorrow. I hope that time works considering we're 8 hours apart.
Matt5mo ago
I've continued to work on this and am now having a slightly different issue. I am now using the @observe() decorator on each function and using langfuse_context.update_current_observation to manage the spans. I run the same function three times in one execution, trying to generate three traces. The first trace includes most of what I need now (although the spans and generations are out of order). But the next two are broken out into rag-eval which contains my custom observations and LlamaIndex_chat which seems to be auto-generated by the llama index handler and includes the LLM generations. Does this ring any bells for you? (screenshots included) Finally, I notice that the retrieve span is only created when I put the @observe() decorator at my top level function.
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