denis567mo ago


Hello team! I just wanted to double check about best practice for separating local/dev/prod environments in Langfuse. As far as understand, the recommended approach is to use tags for that. Would creating a separate project make sense too, would like to understand some pros and cons regarding this approach
5 Replies
Clemo7mo ago
Hi Denis, a con would be that you’d have to piece together statistics from multiple projects vs filtering from one export + dashboards + managing multiple API keys. Otherwise I’d say it depends on how you guys run your setup and your individual preferences. There’s no hard advantages or disadvantages and we see teams doing both. I can see why it might be practical/clean to use different projects. We as a team have a preference for tagging but I’d be interested to hear how other people think about it + how we could make this even better. We’re considering adding tags in some of the other features, too (such as prompt mgmt) to make it easier to separate the dev lifecycle in these, too.
Bill7mo ago
If you never need to see production and development data together though, then separating them by project would eliminate the need to filter, right?
Clemo7mo ago
Sure! And you could join them in an export via the API if you’d ever need to.
Clemo7mo ago —> is a great resource to keep in mind in general
Langfuse API reference
Comprehensive API reference for Langfuse services. Explore the HTTP API endpoints with detailed information on operations, parameters, and responses. You can also download the OpenAPI spec.
Marc7mo ago
Upside of separate projects is that you get to define rbac separately. Might be helpful if you want to grant some people access to your dev but not your prod project