ksjogo9mo ago

langfuse-langchain - npm Package File ex...

There is a regression between 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 in the langfuse-langchain package. If you go back to 2.1.0 it should work fine for now. 2.2.0 started bundling the types again: https://socket.dev/npm/package/langfuse-langchain/files/2.1.0/lib vs https://socket.dev/npm/package/langfuse-langchain/files/2.2.0/lib
5 Replies
ksjogo9mo ago
@Marc I think you pushed the 2.2.0 versions. The build itself looks fine/doesn't generate the types (on my machine at least). Maybe you had the old bundled types in your local folders which got added when publishing. Could you run a git clean -fdx -e node_modules to remove old files and then run the build again and check if the lib folders are clean of node_modules. One could probably add a clean step to make sure of that .
but now I get: Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './tracers/tracer_langchain_v1' is not defined by "exports" in /usr/src/app/node_modules/@langchain/core/package.json
ksjogo9mo ago
That seems to be a langchain issue though. Langfuse isn't referring to tracer_langchain_v1.
you are right
Max9mo ago
Hi, thanks for reporting this. Just fixed this in 2.2.1