cbondscordβ€’10mo ago

Exports of generations when self-hosting

Hi πŸ‘‹ I wanted to play with Langfuse and took the deploy to railway route (since it was super easy to play with Langfuse). On the generations page when I select "Export selection --> As OpenAI JSONL (Fine-tuning)" it doesnt do anything and I dont see an error in the browser console. The export as CSV and JSON work correctly but not the JSONL.
8 Replies
Marcβ€’10mo ago
Hi @cbondscord, did this error happen when self-hosting on Railway? Can you check the server-side logs?
cbondscordβ€’10mo ago
Yeah self-hosting on Railway. The only thing I see in the logs after attempting to export is "filters: e { values: [ '2023-11-22 00:00:00' ], strings: [ 'AND o."start_time" > ', '::TIMESTAMP' ] }"
Marcβ€’10mo ago
Can't replicate this problem on our managed cloud To confirm, you do not see any issues in the network tab of the browser console?
cbondscordβ€’10mo ago
I dont see any console errors but I do see a ajax request with an empty payload coming back.
I do have generations in here. It wouldn't have anything to do with the generations being gpt-4-1106-preview right? Unrelated -- it would be awesome to export fine tunings based on the feedback scores (i.e. filters in this export view)
Marcβ€’10mo ago
Agree Noted Are you open to screen share this? Would love to investigate further as we don’t have this problem on our managed cloud afaik
cbondscordβ€’10mo ago
Sure. Happy to!
cbondscordβ€’10mo ago
ok setup a meeting for Monday. Chat then! Thanks!