Vincent•10mo ago

delete traces

Hey guys, I have a seemingly very simple problem but I'm stumped: How can I delete traces from langfuse?
5 Replies
Marc•10mo ago
There's a delete button on every trace, both in the trace list and when viewing a single trace (all the way to the right on the table)
Vincent•10mo ago
I didn't see it, so I pulled the latest container image and restarted my service. Now it's indeed there. Was this a fairly recent addition? But thanks for the swift response, by the way 🙂
Marc•10mo ago
Release v1.3.0 · langfuse/langfuse
What's Changed feat: delete single trace in UI by @18feb06 in #514 feat: display name of project with title in header by @18feb06 in #520 feat(docker): remove cron process used for telemetry b...
Marc•10mo ago
You can subscribe to releases or set your deployment to automatically pull the latest release on a frequent basis to always have access to the latest features when selfhosting
No description
Vincent•10mo ago