


Langfuse is the open source LLM Engineering Platform. This is our Community Discord.










Hi, I have been trying to setup a self-hosted langfuse server. I followed the instructions on I installed postgresql (on docker as well) and verified that it works. Docker run returns following output: ```...

Self host without docker

Hey guys, I'm planning to deploy langfuse on a machine where I can't install a docker. Is there a way to run your application without a docker?...

Hope someone can help us out here. We'

Hope someone can help us out here. We're running Langfuse in an ECS container, and are able to login and create projects fine. The ECS container is in a constant loop of being spun up, failing and being destroyed, and we're unsure why. We keep receiving a "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED". We're unsure what that IP address is - it might be the internal IP of our container, but it's certainly not anything we are knowingly hosting (e.g. load balancer, Postgres etc). This error shows after the container has been running for a couple of minutes. ...

SSO-only mode

Is it possible to disable local user creation/signup (username + password) but still allow creating users through SSO? Or how are we supposed to handle adding new users using SSO? We wish to enforce all access using Google SSO and cannot figure out a good way to do this ...

Postgres Migration Problem

Hey Folks, I'm trying setting up the self hosted version of your very promising tool but run in some problems: 1. Do you have a Docker Image made for ARM Architecture? Or have it planned to do so? (WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 2. When I try to set up the docker, the database migration fails with: Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma...

Custom model names

can I somehow overwrite the model name in langfuse handler, when using open source models?